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Matteo Lunelli, CEO, Ferrari-Trento, hosted by senior editor Alison Napjus. Plus, keep an eye on our schedule for bonus chats with winemakers from Europe and other regions outside the Americas. Tune in to Straight Talk weekly on Wine Spectator’s Instagram page.

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( All previous episodes are archived on our IGTV channel for viewing anytime.) Past editions have featured star winemakers Axel Heinz and Andy Erickson and luminaries of the dining world, including chefs Eric Ripert and Emeril Lagasse and restaurateur Danny Meyer. Straight Talk with Wine Spectator is an Instagram Live series featuring conversations with wine-and-food newsmakers. The live chats kicked off in April 2020 amid widespread shutdowns from the COVID-19 crisis, in order to shed light on the changes and challenges these industries are facing, and have since expanded into regularly scheduled programming.